A broken bone can be a painful, debilitating injury. Although most people will eventually heal fully after a fracture, it can take multiple weeks for the body to repair the initial trauma and even longer for someone to regain their previous strength and range of...

Dedicated Trial Attorneys
For Employment Law And Personal Injury Law
Firm News
Different types of damages help victims injured in car accidents
Knowledge of the different types of personal injury protections available to victims of car accidents and other types of accidents is important. Personal injury damages can help injured victims recover compensation for their physical, financial and emotional damages...
Tips to help prevent car accidents
Most likely, you or someone you know has sustained a severe injury in a motor vehicle accident. If you have had first-hand experience dealing with the aftermath of a life-changing accident, you know how frightening and frustrating it can be to obtain medical...
What are signs of abuse against elders?
California residents entrust assisted living facilities and nursing homes. They should have caring medical professionals on staff. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Elder abuse often happens in these systems. It is important that you recognize the signs. ...
Does your safety depend upon when you are on the road?
No matter where and when you are on California roads, it is always a good idea to drive defensively and take safety precautions such as wearing seat belts and obeying the traffic laws. Beyond that, though, are there other lesser-known formulas that increase your...
2 California labor laws to know
Federal and state laws often differ. For example, one could refer to many California laws governing the relationship between employers and employees. It is not enough to simply look at the major, nationwide rules when determining whether a worker's rights have been...
I received a wrongful termination, what should I do?
The state of California, like any other state, allows you to file a wrongful termination claim if you feel that your firing was under discriminatory reasons or if it was under the violation of an employment act. There are specific illegal reasons for termination that...
Are suburban roads more deadly?
Wherever people drive, the risk of a fatal crash is present—even if it only involves one vehicle. However, some roads are especially hazardous and claim many lives, for a host of factors. Moreover, it is important to consider the differences between roads in urban,...
Understanding the basics of police brutality
While out and about in California, some citizens may find themselves unfairly targeted or stereotyped by police. Such encounters can result in the use of excessive force, maybe even severe injuries. Victims of police brutality should understand what happened and how...
Is your broken bone healing as quickly as possible?
A recent serious injury, maybe a car accident on a busy California highway, resulted in you suffering a broken bone. While recovering, you likely want to get back to work and your regular day-to-day life as quickly as possible. To help get your cast off faster,...