The majority of workplaces have some sort of hierarchy. Companies tend to run more smoothly when someone is in charge and tasks are delegated appropriately. Unfortunately, being in a position of power can go to a person’s head and they can act out toward their...

Dedicated Trial Attorneys
For Employment Law And Personal Injury Law
Year: 2022
2 reasons you might need to change your child’s car seat
As a parent, you understand the importance of using car seats to protect your kids. If you didn’t, the police would likely have stopped you and fined you by now. Yet not all car seats are equal, and one that has served your child well up to now may not do so tomorrow....
Everything that happens in the car is a distraction
Cellphones are often the focus when discussing distracted driving, and with good reason. They can perform so many different tasks that it is easy for people to get distracted while listening to music, taking pictures, reading text messages or doing something else. But...
Will your minor traffic mistake affect your compensation claim?
There are two means of securing justice after a California car crash leaves you with injuries and property damage expenses. You can file an insurance claim, and you may be able to take the other driver to civil court. Although fault is often black and white after a...
It’s 2022, but sexual harassment is still happening at work
Sexual harassment can happen in virtually any work environment, whether you’re sitting in an office or you’re working remotely from home. It’s an unfortunate reality for many men and women that they have to be exposed to this kind of harassment from their employers,...
Complications can make a minor injury catastrophic
The risk of suffering an injury can arise in many circumstances. Motor vehicle accidents, slip-and-fall accidents and defective product mishaps are three examples of situations often resulting in injury. Sometimes, serious injuries are obvious. Other times, victims...
Who pays for serious injuries suffered in a national park?
Southern California is home to several amazing national parks, such as Death Valley, Joshua Tree and Sequoia. These parks draw visitors from around the world. Many Californians visit these locations regularly, as well, to enjoy the beauty of the state. Most national...
Life after an accident-related amputation
Any traumatic injury suffered in a premises mishap or car accident needs a serious approach, but some injuries are worse than others. A crash-related amputation, for example, is not just life-threatening--it is life-changing. In the modern medical arena, a doctor has...
3 examples of retaliation you may face after asserting your rights
If you know your workplace rights well enough to stand up for them on the job, your employer should respect you for doing so, not punish you. After all, retaliation against employees is against the law. Whether you reported a supervisor for sexually harassing you or...
How a traumatic brain injury can affect your quality of life
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are unlike any other. Given the delicate nature of the brain, these kinds of injuries could come with a lot of complications. For TBI victims, the road to recovery is full of ups and downs, and some of the effects can last a lifetime....