Slips and falls are one of the leading causes of preventable injuries in the U.S. They are usually associated with the winter months because of rain, ice and snow. However, slips and falls are still a real problem during the summer months. What are some of the main...
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For Employment Law And Personal Injury Law
Premises Liability
2 catastrophic injuries that can happen if you trip or slip and fall
A routine trip to your favorite bar or grocery store can quickly turn into a life-and-death situation if you trip or slip and fall. Unfortunately, these accidents are not uncommon. If you slip and fall while lawfully on another person’s property as a result of a...
When is a business potentially liable for a slip-and-fall?
Slip-and-fall incidents happen frequently in public locations, often with few consequences. Some people fall and end up with a bruise and little more. Other times, someone slips, falls and incurs a significant injury. Slip-and-fall incidents can lead to broken bones...
2 reasons you may lose your premises liability claim
Trips, slips and falls are some of the leading causes of personal injuries in the U.S. Depending on severity, slips and falls can lead to life-altering injuries like brain and spinal cord injuries. If you trip, slip and fall, while on someone else’s property, you may...
2 reasons car crashes can lead to amputations
Some crashes only lead to minimal property damage, but some cause catastrophic personal injuries. The faster vehicles travel on the road, the stronger the force of impact when they collide. In high-speed collisions, as well as crashes between vehicles of vastly...