If you are involved in a car accident, you may suffer different injuries. Examples include whiplash, traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, broken bones, burns and amputations. It will be best to make informed decisions after an accident to receive compensation...

Dedicated Trial Attorneys
For Employment Law And Personal Injury Law
Month: January 2023
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How do you respond to an aggressive dog?
You are taking your routine morning jog when, out of nowhere, a vicious bulldog comes charging after you. You are frightened, rightfully so. So what do you do? Unfortunately, these kinds of encounters are not uncommon. If you find yourself in a confrontation with a...
What does it really mean to have a broken neck?
You probably hear people joke about broken necks all the time. Growing up, perhaps your parents warned you repeatedly not to break yours when playing rough, but it is not a real risk, right? Unfortunately, the small bones inside the neck or cervical region are just as...