Let’s set the record straight: Employee misclassification is a big problem, and it occurs throughout the country. Some employers do it intentionally. In other instances, it is simply an innocent mistake that happens when an employer fails to understand the difference...

Dedicated Trial Attorneys
For Employment Law And Personal Injury Law
Month: February 2023
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Why a brain injury may not heal
If you get in a car accident and you suffer a laceration to your skin, your skin can create new cells and repair the damage over time. Likewise, if you break a bone, a doctor can set it and the bone will slowly heal, as long as you keep it in a cast and don’t do more...
3 ways to document your employer’s misconduct
As an employee in California, you have the benefit of both state and federal worker protection laws. Unfortunately, plenty of companies will happily violate employment laws while assuming that their workers won't know how to stand up for themselves. Workers often...